Labor law is comprehensive. Are you an employer or do you have people perform services for you, for example by means of an assignment or temporary employment contract? Then there are many things that can happen to or from your employees. KienhuisHoving’s employment law lawyers are happy to help you. Read below how or contact us directly for more information.
A good working relationship
As an employer, you know how valuable a good working relationship with your employees is. However, it can happen that the interests of both parties do not coincide. Then what can you do? We are happy to advise you about the options available to you within the laws and regulations of employment law.
The Balanced Labor Market Act
As you may already know, the Balanced Labor Market Act (WAB) is now a fact. Since 1 January 2020, a number of new rules have been in force in employment law. For example, employers should be aware that the addition of the so-called ‘cumulation ground’ as a ground for dismissal may create new possibilities for terminating the employment contract with employees. Another difference is the changed legislation for on-call contracts, patrolling, and the calculation of the transition payment.
Termination of employment contract
In some instances, it may be desirable to terminate the relationship with an employee. Think of personal problems with an employee (a disruption of the employment relationship) or a change in business activities (reorganization). In addition, it sometimes happens that an employee is (long-term) sick. What requirements must the employer and employee meet in the reintegration process, and what are the consequences if those requirements are not met? We guide you through the dismissal process and defend your interests in court if necessary.
Employment law and regulations
You always have one point of contact who knows your company and situation. We provide in the field of employment law to directors, entrepreneurs, individual employees, and human resources departments. This includes drawing up new employment contracts, personnel regulations, and protocols. Naturally, we advise you on the rules regarding employee participation and the Works Council’s right to be consulted. We like to think along with you.